Explore, Learn, and Grow:
Outdoor Adventures for Pre-K to 6th Grade
Looking to bring more outdoor learning into your classroom? The School Signals easy-to-adapt nature activities and curriculum ideas help you connect students with the world outside! Designed for teachers and homeschoolers alike, these resources make outdoor education accessible and fun. All downloads are FREE.
Looking to bring more outdoor learning into your classroom? The School Signals easy-to-adapt nature activities and curriculum ideas help you connect students with the world outside! Designed for teachers and homeschoolers alike, these resources make outdoor education accessible and fun. All downloads are FREE.

Encourage elementary students to reflect on their experiences in nature! Through mindfulness, students deepen their connection with the natural world.

Take your students to a nature scavenger hunt to discover different parts of a food web! Students will search for living and nonliving elements in their environment and categorize them as producers, consumers, or decomposers.

Guide students in building a deeper connection to nature through poetry! Students observe the world around them, learn poetic devices, and express their experiences in 5-senses or acrostic poems.

Encourage early childhood students to explore puddles after a rainy day. Students will learn about water displacement and measurement while building social skills

Spark students' curiosity, creativity, and connection to local wildlife with this winter activity that combines art, science, and proven winter fun.

Pre-K and Kindergarten students explore the wonders of nature through touch. Spark curiosity, expand vocabulary, and build observation skills with this hands-on, interactive game!