Account Integrated Forms Make Sense

Create custom online forms or use preset templates. Choose audience and publish!

School Online Forms

Publish a form school-wide or to a selected grade or group.

Publish the form school-wide. Or set the form for specific audiences, such as grades, classrooms, groups, or a school event. Whether you prefer one-time use per parent or allow re-submissions, the choice is yours.

Create forms quickly using templates.

Expedite the form creation process, by using our Template Forms Library. Customize the template forms as much as wanted. Add your own templates and share them with your school administrators.

School Online Forms App Software
School Communication App K12

Use all modern form field types.

Text fields, radio buttons, drop-downs, checkboxes, date pickers, range sliders, file upload, and more! The School Signals online forms are ready to meet your demanding information and data-collecting needs. 

Create surveys and feedback forms.

Create surveys and feedback forms to improve your school climate. Utilize the template library or create your own forms from the scratch. Encourage feedback from your school community by allowing anonymous form filling. 

School online forms app K-12 software
school signals app software K12

Automatically announce a new form in the School Feed.

Keep your community informed on new forms by automatically announcing them in the School Feed. The system will notify users so that you don’t have to.

Track all form results to user accounts.

A considerable benefit of our online forms is that the form results are integrated into the user accounts (- unless you set the form to be anonymous). When a parent fills out a form, you can track the results to an account level and get a history of activity. Integrated online forms are data-smart in the long run. They improve tracking and enable data sharing.

Say no more to the frustration of isolated online forms.

With School Signals, you can streamline your entire online form creation and submission process from publishing to tracking results to parent accounts.

Set the form for specific audiences, such as grades, classrooms, groups, or a school event. Whether you prefer one-time use per parent or allow re-submissions, the choice is yours.

Keep your community informed by automatically announcing new forms in the School Feed.

To expedite the form creation process, use our template forms library, which includes frequently used forms.

Recap of the Online Forms Features

Explore the School Signals Help Articles on the Online Forms. And if you have any immediate questions, remember that Ms. Selma is just a question away – always here to assist you.  Link to School Signals Help Articles

Explore the School Signals Help Articles about the Online Forms. And if you have any immediate questions, remember that Ms. Selma is just a question away – always here to assist you.  Link to School Signals Online Forms Help Articles

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