Turbo-charge Your Board and PTA

A comprehensive suite of productivity and engagement tools make them strong!

School Signals Groups Committees Board PTA PTO
School PTA Groups App Software K-12

Discuss Board / PTA / group topics in the Private Feed.

Your group feed is accessible only to your members, ensuring private conversations. Activity is well-tracked. Members receive notifications for new posts and comments, keeping everyone in the loop.

Add group schedules and events.

Your group is busy! Keep everyone on the same page by adding important dates to your group calendar. For hosting group events, add details, integrate map, feature photos, announce  the event in the Group Feed, and collect RSVP.

School Signals K-12 directory

Quickly see memberships using the Member Directory

Quickly know who is who by visiting the Group directory page. Group Admins are clearly indicated so members know who to contact with any questions.

Share your group activities with Photo Galleries

Engage your group members by sharing photos from meetings and recent activities. These images not only capture your group’s spirit but also serve as a wonderful introduction to your mission for new members.

PTO volunteer app

Create volunteering opportunities in the group.

Volunteering is a key component of parent groups. Boost participation with an easy-to-use signup system that allows you to list all tasks for any volunteer opportunity. For example, you can break down tasks for a gardening day or outline duties for cafeteria helpers, making it simple for everyone to get involved.

Integrate online forms to serve your group.

Collect information and survey your group. Request information on availability, ask for feedback or collect mandatory information. The audience-based settings display inside your group’s user interfaces.

Active Parent Groups, PTO/PTA and School Committees are at the heart of an engaged school community.

School Signals is designed with a strong set of Group tools ready for parents group and school committee engagement. With the desktop and mobile optimized online tools integrated with automatic notifications, you will keep all group and committee members on the same page regarding upcoming meetings, sharing ideas, and keeping documents and photos easily accessible.

Not all groups and committees need to be set up in the same way. With access to flexible settings, you can choose whether your group is open to all users or requires a user to send a brief application to join.

Additionally, you can set groups and committees target audience within set grades. Teachers and staff can also run their private groups for the school’s internal needs.

This is an exciting time to be part of the School Signals Groups and Committees feature!


Recap of the Groups Feature

From the Blog: Parent Groups

From the Blog: Parent Groups

Explore the School Signals Help Articles on the Groups. If you have any immediate questions about the Groups feature, remember that Ms. Selma is just a question away – ready to provide you more information.  Link to School Signals Help Articles

Explore the School Signals Help Articles on the Groups System. If you have any immediate questions about the Groups feature, remember that Ms. Selma is just a question away – ready to provide you more information.  Link to School Signals Parent-Teacher Conference Help Articles

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