Keep Everyone on the Same Page

Inform intentionally. Engage meaningfully. Bring your community together.

school signals school feed app

Target a Selected Audience.

Make a post school-wide or choose an audience and pinpoint the post to parents whose students attend a specific grade (or grades), classroom, or group. And, you can also create posts for internal communication; to teachers and staff only.

Schedule the post to go out at a set Date and Time.

We know your Monday mornings are busy! Therefore, schedule your posts and stop worrying about a missed timeframe.

school notifications app

Notify by email, SMS text message and App push.

Notify with impact, in the modern way with School Signals. Many parents love getting instant email alerts, and they can also switch to a daily digest. Mobile app users get push notifications straight to their phones. For high-priority updates, we send SMS texts right to the community’s fingertips. 

A closed, identified community keeps conversations in check.

Student information and parent records are verified in School Signals. You will always know who is talking. There is no anonymous posting or hiding behind usernames. 

Enjoy the feed on mobile, tablet, desktop and app - your choice.

All interface and management features are available in the app. Our system is not designed to silos nor are features walled-off. Mobile-first means mobile everything.

The School Feed brings engagement to school communication.

The expertly structured feed uses audience-based settings to target specific grade levels, clusters of grades, classrooms, and custom-created groups, delivering pertinent information to all users.

Notification settings are customizable to respect individual preferences. Mark posts as High Priority to ensure they are delivered via both email and text message.

Take advantage of powerful features such as post scheduling, customizable feed settings, and detailed delivery reports to enhance the communication experience.

Recap of the School Feed Features

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Automated Notifications

Timely notifications on new posts and content updates by email, text and push keep your community engaged and informed.

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Communication Scheduling

Thoughtful communication and community outreach are often planned. Schedule posts to increase communication efficiency.

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Mobile App

Access all School Signals features, including ADMIN management features on mobile. The School Signals app is available for download in the iOS and Google Play stores.

From the Blog: School Feed

From the Blog: School Feed

Explore the School Signals Help Articles about the School Feed. And if you have any immediate questions, remember that Ms. Selma is just a question away – always here to assist you.  Link to School Signals Parent-Teacher Conference Help Articles

Explore the School Signals Help Articles about the School Feed. And if you have any immediate questions, remember that Ms. Selma is just a question away – always here to assist you.  Link to School Signals Parent-Teacher Conference Help Articles

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