Capture Moments to Share

Live your school’s mission by showcasing your active and engaged school community.

School Signals Photo Galleries app

Select Audience and Share Pictures Mindfully

Publish gallery to a grade level, classroom or a group. You can also create school-wide albums to showcase the school culture for all members in your community.

Heart Pictures and Leave Positive Comments.

Access photo galleries on mobile and the app. Add your pictures to the gallery and help build a vibrant school community. Automatically notify parents when a new album is added.

Seeing engaged and active children is the best reassurance parents can get.

We have designed the School Signals system for optimal picture sharing and delivery. The School Feed communication feature unlocks easy picture sharing. Parents can comment on and love photos included in school posts.

Users can create entire photo galleries where community members can contribute their photos. Additionally, these photo galleries may integrate with specific groups or events so that users can find the images quickly and easily. Like social posts, photo galleries can also be published to a set audience, keeping this visual information relevant.

Our notification system keeps everyone in the loop, so no picture gets missed. For example, if a parent uploads new photos from an event like a Halloween party, everyone who attended or follows the event gets notified right away.

Recap of the Photo Galleries Features

Explore the School Signals Help Articles on the Photo Galleries feature. And if you have any immediate questions about the feature, remember that Ms. Selma is just a question away – always here to assist you.  Link to School Signals Help Articles

Explore the School Signals Help Articles on the Photo Galleries feature. And if you have any immediate questions about the feature, remember that Ms. Selma is just a question away – always here to assist you.  Link to School Signals Help Articles

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